北九州市大手町ビル6階 アジア成長研究所 会議室
資料・発表 ともに英語
Linus Yamane, Professor, Department of Economics, Pitzer College, Claremont, California, USA
“Biracial Asian and White: Demographic and Labor Market Status”
Abstract:Do biracial Asian/White Americans occupy a space between Asian Americans and White Americans? By looking across the six largest Asian American ethnic groups with American Community Survey data from 2009-2013, the levels of earnings, education, geographic concentration, nativity, Hispanic origin, and labor market discrimination for Asian/White Americans is generally found to fall between that of Asian Americans and White Americans. For example, Asian Americans are more geographically concentrated than Asian/White Americans, and Asian/White Americans are more geographically concentrated than White Americans. And Asian Americans are less likely to obtain managerial positions than either Asian/White Americans or White Americans. But along other dimensions like industry, occupation, mobility rates, or English proficiency, there is no systematic pattern. For example, Asian/White Americans are more likely to be in the military or in management than either Asian Americans or White Americans. And Asian/White Americans are less likely to be married than Asian Americans or White Americans because they are still relatively young.