

Exporting and Foreign Ownership in Indonesian Manufacturing, 1990-2000

執筆者 Eric D. Ramstetter, Sadayuki Takii
発行年月 2005年 10月
No. 2005-15
ダウンロード 1055KB


Foreign plants usually accounted for disproportionately large shares of exports in Indonesian manufacturing industries and exports of heavily-foreign plants (foreign ownership shares of 90-100 percent) grew conspicuously after the early-1990s. Foreign plants usually had significantly higher export propensities than local plants, although accounting for variation in factor intensities, size, and vintage reduced the differences. Heavily-foreign plants tended to have the highest export propensities, but differences among foreign ownership groups were statistically insignificant in half of the cases examined. Statistically significant differences among foreign plants were concentrated in heavily-foreign plants in textiles, plastics, basic metals, metal products, and electric and precision machinery during the mid- to late-1990s.